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Doctorate by Research for Executives

the doctorate is a 1-year program and 100% online, this program is a 100% thesis-based program

Study fee: 12900 Swiss Francs (around 12900 Euro) OR 1490 Swiss Francs per month

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Doctorate by Research for Executives

A Doctorate by Research for Executives is a specialized program designed for senior executives who wish to pursue a doctoral degree while still maintaining their professional careers. This program is typically completed within a year, making it an attractive option for busy professionals who wish to further their education without disrupting their work commitments.

The program is structured around a research project that is tailored to the executive's area of expertise or interest. The research project is conducted under the supervision of a faculty member (for an additional fee), who provides guidance and support throughout the program. The program also includes coursework, which is designed to provide executives with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research at a doctoral level.

The coursework typically covers topics such as research methodologies, data analysis, and literature review. Executives are also required to complete a thesis or dissertation, which is a significant piece of original research that contributes to the existing body of knowledge in their field. The thesis or dissertation is presented and defended in front of a panel of experts in the field.

One of the key benefits of a Doctorate by Research for Executives is that it allows senior executives to continue working while pursuing their doctoral award. This means that executives can apply the knowledge and skills they acquire in the program to their professional roles, and also maintain their income and professional networks. Additionally, the program provides executives with an opportunity to develop their research skills and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field.

In summary, a Doctorate by Research for Executives is a specialized program that is designed to meet the needs of busy executives who wish to pursue a doctoral degree. The program is typically completed within a year and is structured around a research project that is tailored to the executive's area of expertise or interest. The program provides executives with an opportunity to develop their research skills, contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field, and continue working while pursuing their doctoral award.

Study modules

this is 100% thesis-based doctorate

A 100% thesis-based program is a doctoral program that places a strong emphasis on independent research and culminates in the submission and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In this type of program, the thesis or dissertation is the primary focus of the student's work and accounts for the majority of their credit hours.

The program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop advanced research skills and to make a significant contribution to their field of study. Students are expected to work closely with their faculty advisor to design and conduct a research project that addresses a research question or problem of significance in their field. The thesis or dissertation is typically a substantial piece of original research that makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

In a 100% thesis-based program, coursework is typically limited to foundational courses in the student's field of study and research methods courses designed to prepare students for their independent research. The majority of the student's time is spent conducting research and writing their thesis or dissertation.

The program is well-suited for students who have a strong interest in research and who wish to make a significant contribution to their field of study. It is also a good fit for students who enjoy working independently and are self-motivated.

One of the key benefits of a 100% thesis-based program is the opportunity it provides for students to develop advanced research skills and to become experts in their field. The program also provides students with the opportunity to work closely with faculty members who are experts in their field and who can provide guidance and support throughout the research process.

In summary, a 100% thesis-based program is a doctoral program that emphasizes independent research and culminates in the submission and defense of a thesis or dissertation. The program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop advanced research skills and to make a significant contribution to their field of study. The program is well-suited for students who have a strong interest in research and who wish to become experts in their field.


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