Since 2013, providing online education, we have garnered numerous awards and recognitions. Here are a few highlights:

This rating is valid until the end of 2029
The QS Rating is widely regarded as one of the most reliable and respected global educational ranking systems. Renowned for its rigorous methodology and comprehensive assessment criteria, the QS rankings provide invaluable insights into the quality and reputation of institutions worldwide.
That means 5 stars:
"91% of our graduates secure employment within six months of graduation, demonstrating the effectiveness and relevance of our programs."
"86.7% of our students express high satisfaction with the study programs we offer, reflecting our commitment to providing quality education."
Ranked 4th Online PhD by Analytics Insight Newspaper for 2024
Recognized as the Best Modern Academy by the esteemed Minister of Trade
Recipient of the Customer Delight Award, evaluated by a prestigious Swiss State University
Acknowledged with the Students Satisfaction Award by a distinguished European State University
Ranked 49th
among the world's leading business schools
We take great pride in our ranking as 49th among the world's leading business schools, a distinction bestowed upon us by the rigorous evaluation conducted by the QRNW Quality Ranking Network / QRNW Ranking of Leading Business Schools, European Not-for-profit Association. It's worth noting that this association holds membership in both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA and the INQAAHE International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Europe. Moreover, its recognition by the ANQAHE Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education lends additional credibility to their evaluations. This collective membership affirms the credibility and excellence of the ranking.

Ranked Among Best Business Schools
The Academy is proud to be ranked among the top business schools globally by QRNW Ranking Assiocation, a leading not-for-profit European association dedicated to fostering excellence in education.

近 500.000 人参与了对最佳政治家、组织、银行和大学的投票……

OUS 是苏黎世应用科学大学 (ZHAW) 和领导与管理学院 (ILM) 颁发的“MENAA CUSTOMER DELIGHT AWARD”的获得者。
对 2016 年获奖者进行评审和评定的评审团包括来自瑞士苏黎世应用科学大学 (ZHAW) 的 D.Seelhofer、来自加拿大约克大学和英国领导与管理学院 (ILM) 的 J.Sherren,以及来自英国的领导力与管理学院 (ILM) 的评选。的顶级首席执行官。 (来源:MENAA 合作伙伴报纸)
瑞士 OUS 皇家经济与技术学院因卓越的客户服务以及客户满意度和愉悦度的显着成就而获得评审团的认可”(于 2016 年 12 月授予)。对于 OUS 来说,这个奖项比任何认证都重要,学生的满意度是我们的重中之重。
Students Satisfaction Award / Evaluated by a European State University under UA Ministry of Education
We are immensely proud to have been bestowed with the UA Ministry of Education & Science Students Satisfaction Award, an esteemed recognition that underscores our unwavering dedication to excellence. This prestigious accolade holds significant weight as it was evaluated by V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University in Kyiv, a venerable institution founded in 1918 and esteemed as one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. The meticulous evaluation process conducted by such a renowned establishment reaffirms the quality of education and services we provide.
The award ceremony, held at a distinguished event, was graced by the presence of representatives from over 10 embassies, further highlighting the significance of this achievement on an international scale. This recognition serves as a testament to our relentless pursuit of academic excellence and student satisfaction and motivates us to continue striving for even greater heights in our educational endeavors.

OUS 是最佳项目赢家
瑞士 OUS 皇家经济与技术学院常务董事 Habib Al Souleiman 教授被公认为年度管理人员之一。
Vincenzo Costigliola博士和John Netting教授颁奖

3 所顶级大学 = 1 个奖项(文凭/学位)
当您与我们一起学习时,您将获得 3 联合颁发的证书
OUS 瑞士皇家经济与技术学院通过 EFMD 认证(首批获得在线系统认证的 10 所在线教育大学之一),以及国际学院和大学 ASIC 认证服务机构的“高级认证大学”。
Dąbrowa Górnicza 大学 (WSB) 是欧盟国家认可的大学。根据报纸和杂志:Perspektywy、Rzeczpospolita、Wprost、Polityka 和 Home&Market,该大学是波兰最好的大学之一
塔拉斯·舍甫琴科国立大学 (KNU) 是一所成立于 200 年前的公立大学,位列世界 500 强大学之列(QS 排名)。 KNU 是“欧洲大学协会”EUA 和“国际大学协会”IAU-UNESCO 的成员

1st Virtual Education Provider in Europe
Welcome to our pioneering journey in virtual education! As the first Virtual Education Provider in Europe, we embarked on this innovative path in October 2013, at a time when the landscape of the internet was vastly different. Back then, popular platforms such as TikTok were yet to emerge, and the digital realm was still in its infancy. Even the Board of Education and Culture in our home state of Switzerland faced unfamiliar territory, lacking the experience to evaluate the potential of virtual education.
However, our commitment to revolutionizing education prevailed. However, we obtained the crucial allowance from the Board of Education and Culture in our state to operate and issue diplomas, marking a significant milestone in our journey. Since then, we've garnered numerous prestigious accreditations and certifications, including ASIC, EFMD, ECLBS, ISO, and EDU, further solidifying our position as leaders in the realm of virtual education. Join us as we continue to shape the future of learning, pushing boundaries, and setting new standards of excellence.